Chapter 8
I have decided to cut the portion after the character leaves her home. I realize this is a major decision, however, it’s the right one. The story, although interesting, is just too compact to fit into an opening of two minutes. Sometimes more is less so I will be slightly adjusting my story to fit the time limit. Instead of the opening having the portion of the actual moving and the new place it will end when the character leaves her original home. To compensate for the portion in which the feeling of inescapability is insinuated I will be incorporating some shots and components showing the character is not alone, someone is always with her, lurking.
Below is my storyboard and a brief analyzation of what is happening in each shot. I created these sketches to give me an idea of what will be shown in the film and in what order, I sourced the information of how to successfully create visually interesting shots and storytelling by referring to my previous research which can be found in my previous blogs. Additionally, I added side notes to keep in mind while filming such as focus pulls. I plan to start filming by the weekend once I've finalized the setup. Please note the shots are numbered and are not all in sequential order.
The script
Shot 1:The title is displayed in a bold and sharp white lettered font, suggesting tension and suspense.
Fade into next shot
Shot 2:
Close-up of a perfume bottle on a stand contributes to the setting, firmly situating the viewer within the surroundings.
Shot 3:
The perfumes displayed on the stand serve to establish the surroundings, adding to the setting while also suggesting wealth or luxury.
Shot 4:
A shallow depth of field directs the viewer's gaze to the wig positioned in the left third of the frame.
Shot 5:
In the shot, everything appears blurry except for the pair of heels positioned on the left side of the frame. Then, the focus shifts sharply onto the heels using rack focus.
Shot 6:
In the medium shot, an empty chair occupies the center, with an unlit candle placed in the bottom right third. The chair is positioned behind the mirror, which occupies most of the frame from the left side to the center.
Shot 7:
In a medium shot, Catalina, the main character, enters the frame and sits in an empty chair.
Shot 8:
The back of a head is shown in an over-the-shoulder shot, filling the left third of the frame to the center. On the other half, Catalina's lips are visible through a mirror as she prepares to light the candle placed at the bottom right third.
Close-up of Catalina as she reaches for matches to light the candle, then proceeds to light the match.
Shot 10:
The scene shows Catalina's hand lighting the candle through a window. At first, everything is blurry, but then the focus shifts to her hand. This highlights the window as a signal that she's being watched or isn't alone.
Shot 11:
The scene shows a close-up Dutch angle shot of Catalina turning her head towards the window, intended to create an uneasy atmosphere by reinforcing the idea someone may be watching her.
Shot 12:
The close-up shows wine being poured into a glass, followed by a spill, reflecting her reaction to feeling unsettled by the window watcher.
Shot 13:
The spill is then shown being absorbed by a paper towel through a close up shot, keeping the viewer engaged while demonstrating the cleanup process.
Shot 14:
The following shots display Catalina getting ready. In this extreme close-up shot, she is putting on her eye make-up.
Shot 15:
In the extreme close-up, Catalina smudges blush on her face, hinting at tension as it's one of the first times she's shown being less delicate. Meanwhile, her earring is shown to emphasize her wealth.
Shot 16:
The scene features an extreme close-up of lipstick being applied.

Shot 17:
In the next scene, she's shown taking a sip from the wine she poured earlier, leaving a lipstick mark on the glass.
Shot 18:
In the scene, there's an over-the-shoulder shot of a character putting on a wig.
Shot 19:
In the scene, there's a shallow focus across the entire frame, with the chair filling the left third until the center. On the right third, the protagonist is seen getting up from the chair and exiting the frame.
Shot 20:
The scene presents a close-up of a character's hand opening a closet.
Shot 21:
The scene captures a "closet POV" as clothing is shown, and the character's hand grabs an outfit.
Shot 22:
The scene shows an over-the-shoulder shot of her as she gets dressed.
Shot 23:
Since the wine glass is clear, the character can be seen through the glass with the lipstick stain, initially looking straight ahead before shifting her attention downward.
Shot 24:
In the next over-the-shoulder shot, she is seen looking down at her phone, with the time displayed precisely at 7:00, indicating it is time to leave.

Shot 25:
The scene features a tracking shot of Catalina. Within this scene she will be shown suddenly stopping, her hesitation will imply that something is off.
Shot 26:
Catalina is shown by the door through a long shot, preparing to leave as she puts on her coat.
Shot 27:
The long shot captures Catalina seen leaving her home through a camera view, leaving nothing but an empty house behind.
Shot 28:
Continuing from the previous shot, the house now appears empty as Catalina has just left. The scene is shown through a camera lens, further implying that she is being watched, spiking eagerness in the viewers to find out who is watching.
Shot 29:
CUT SHOT (no longer useful)
Shot 30:
The close up shot begins by focusing solely on the mirror that Catalina had in her bedroom while getting ready, the focus then shifts to the candle bringing the opening sequence of "Inescapable" to an end.
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