Sunday, February 18, 2024

Portfolio Project: Project schedule

Chapter 4

Unfortunately the links I had posted on my last blog post did not upload, I will attach them here. I apologize for the inconvenience. 

Link 1:

this article

Link 2:


I would also like to add that to create my Pinterest board I used an app called iArtbook, it is a free resource. To create my board I used the upload a photo feature and aligned my photos to my liking.

To ensure I work efficiently and promptly, I will create a project schedule for the rest of the project. The schedule will be referenced from that of my teacher’s. I will briefly discuss what and when I intend to complete certain portions of my project. Below is my schedule, the underlined segments are the main components I will focus on. 

This video I found on YouTube regarding time management by Ali Abdaal served as a great guide as to how I should properly mange my time. I found it to be quite motivating, when Abdaal said things along the lines of what is screen shotted above; “At any given time you are doing what you most want to be doing”. To me it highlighted the significance of how much I truly have control over my time, I will do my best to avoid procrastinating and get things done by my due dates. 

Click here to view video

Week Three (2/19-2/25)

-Research and choose film opening approach (Tuesday)

-In-depth analysis of how credits are integrated (fonts) (Tuesday)

-Develop a story outline (Thursday)

-Develop script and order scenes (Saturday)

Week Four (2/26-3/3)

-Create shot list (Monday)

-Create storyboard (Wednesday)

-Research possible filming locations (how location affects tone of film) (Friday)

-Develop filming/editing schedule (Sunday)

Week Five (3/4-3/10) 

-Continue to research project components (Monday)

-Decide on mise-en-scene elements (Wednesday)

-Begin filming (Sunday)

Week Six (3/11-3/17)

-Continue production of film opening (Tuesday)

-Begin editing of film opening (Thursday) 

-Begin developing responses to CCR questions (script) (Friday)

Week Seven (3/18-3/24)

-Research information relating to creative critical reflection (Tuesday)

-Finish editing of film opening (Wednesday)

-Get peer feedback on final edit (Thursday/Friday)

Week Eight (3/25-3/31) 

-Research information relating to CCR questions (Monday)

-Create CCR projects (at least two different approaches) (Wednesday)

Week Nine (4/1-4/2)

-Create final, overall project reflection (Tuesday)

-Post project and CCR to blog (Sunday)

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Portfolio Project: Film opening

 Here it is, my completed film opening for ‘Inescapable’.